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Download Complete Populated Learning Planner AGRICULTURE SHS/SHTS/STEM

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Learning Plan
Subject Agriculture Week 1 Duration 120 minutes Form  1
Strand Concept of Agriculture in an Industrialising Society   Agriculture and Society
Content Standard Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the meaning, importance, and branches in Agriculture as a discipline.
Learning Outcome(s) Use the knowledge of the concepts in Agriculture to identify the career opportunities and to clear misconceptions about Agriculture.


a)      Explain the meaning and importance of Agriculture.

b)      Discuss the branches and sectors of Agriculture and their related career opportunities.

c)      Examine and dispel the misconceptions associated with the study of Agriculture.

Essential Question(s)   a)      How will the knowledge gained on the importance of agriculture entice people to choose agriculture as their future career?

b)      What connections can be made between the branches and sectors of agriculture to improve the worth of agriculture?

c)      How will the understanding of the misconceptions in agriculture help to boost agriculture production?

d)      How can resources be used for effective teaching and learning of the misconceptions in agriculture?

e)      How can the meaning, importance and misconceptions in agriculture be taught to entice people to go into agriculture production?

f)       In what ways can cross-cutting themes- 21st Century, GESI, SEL and National values be integrated in teaching and learning the meaning, importance, and misconceptions in agriculture etc.


Pedagogical Strategies Initiating talk for learning, Think-pair-share, Structuring talk for learning, Collaborative learning, Inquiry-based learning, Project-based learning, etc.


Teaching & Learning Resources Agriculture textbooks, Video/pictures on the importance of Agriculture in society, Video/pictures that dispel misconceptions in Agriculture, Charts on the sectors and branches of Agriculture, Projectors, Computers, Sample questionnaire on misconceptions in Agriculture, Camera, etc.





Key Notes on Differentiation

Theme/Theme/Focal Area 1

i. Learning Tasks

· Brainstorm the meaning of agriculture and agricultural science

· Make a list of the importance of agriculture

· Make a presentation on how agriculture will impact your life and society?


ii. Pedagogical Exemplars

·  Initiating talk for learning: Teacher puts learners in mixed-ability groups to brainstorm and come up with the meaning of agriculture and agricultural science as well as the importance of agriculture. Learners share their ideas with the whole class. Teacher should assist learners with difficulties with leading questions that will help them to come up with the difference between agriculture and agricultural science, and the importance of agriculture. Learners who can give further details should be encouraged to do so.

·  Structuring talk for learning: In their mixed ability groups, learners make a presentation on how agriculture will impact their life and society in a plenary session. The teacher should ensure that all learners take part in gathering information for the presentation and assign roles equitably to learners in the groups.


iii. Key Assessments

·    Level 1: List three (3) reasons why agriculture is important to society

·    Level 2: Explain the meaning of the agriculture and agricultural science

·    Level 3: Analyse at least two (2) reasons why agriculture should be studied in Ghana as a developing country

·    Level 4: How can agriculture be used to solve the youth unemployment situation in Ghana to boost the Ghanaian economy?


Theme/Focal Area 2

i. Learning Tasks

·         Surf the internet for branches of Agriculture and list them.

·         Draw a chart of the branches of Agriculture.

·         Investigate and report on the career opportunities in Agriculture in your community.


ii. Pedagogical Exemplars

·         Think-pair-share: Teacher ask learners to individually surf the internet for the branches of Agriculture, list them and discuss in pairs. Teacher should support learners with links to websites, where they can get the required information. Learners should be monitored not to veer into unauthorized websites.  Teacher should ensure that all learners participate in the activities and discourage few learners from hijacking the activity.

·         Project-based learning: Teacher puts learners in mixed-ability/mixed-gender groups (where applicable) and task them to create a flow chart to show the branches of Agriculture and their descriptions, and make a presentation in class. Teacher should assist learners with examples of flow charts to enable them undertake the task. All learners should be encouraged to take part in creating the flow chart on the branches of Agriculture). Challenge learners who can give further details on the branches of Agriculture to do so.

·         Collaborative learning: In their groups, learners investigate and report on the career opportunities in Agriculture that exist in their community. Teacher should guide learners with pictures of people in the various fields of Agriculture to enable them come up with the careers in Agriculture. Confident learners should be probed further to come up with careers in Agriculture that may not be available in their community.


iii. Key Assessments

·         Assessment Level 1: Identify at least two (2) careers in your community that are Agricultural related.

·         Assessment Level 2: Investigate and report on at least two (2) career opportunities that exist in Agriculture.

·         Assessment Level 3: Write for or against the motion that crop science has contributed more to Ghana’s economy than animal science.

·         Assessment Level 4: Justify your choice of a career in Agriculture for a brighter future.


Theme/Focal Area 3

i. Learning Task

·         Identify the misconceptions associated with Agriculture.

·         Discuss the misconceptions associated with Agriculture.

·         Discuss the misconceptions associated with Agriculture and how to dispel them.


ii. Pedagogical Exemplars

·         Think-pair-share: Learners individually identify the misconceptions in Agriculture and share their thoughts with a peer.  Teacher should assist learners with leading questions that will help them to come up with the misconceptions in Agriculture, others should be probed further to give explanations as to why Agriculture faces such misconceptions.

·         Project-based learning: The teacher should put learners in pairs to design a questionnaire on misconceptions in Agriculture. Learners administer the questionnaire in the community and tally their results. The teacher then assists learners to analyze their data with Microsoft Excel. All learners should take part in designing and administration of the questionnaire on the misconception of Agriculture in the community. Some learners should be selected to play leading roles in entering data for analysis. Other learners should assist the group in analyzing data obtained from the questionnaire.

·         Talking point: The teacher puts learners in mixed-ability/mixed-gender groups (where applicable) to discuss how to address the misconceptions identified in their community. Learners make a presentation on the misconceptions and how to dispel them at a plenary session. The teacher should use pictures that dispel misconceptions about Agriculture to guide learners in the preparation of their presentation. The teacher should ensure that all learners participate in the discussion.


iii. Key Assessments

·         Assessment Level 1: List at least two (2) misconceptions in Agriculture.

·         Assessment Level 2: Make a presentation on how to dispel at least two (2) misconceptions about Agriculture in the community.

·         Assessment Level 3: Assess the effects of at least three (3) misconceptions in Agriculture.

·         Assessment Level 4: Research on the misconceptions in Agriculture in your community, how it has affected Agricultural development and suggest possible remedies.


Keywords/phrase Agriculture, Agricultural Science, Career Opportunities in Agriculture, Branches and Sectors in Agriculture, Misconceptions in Agriculture, Rich Farmer, Mechanized Farming, etc.




Lesson 1
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Teacher Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Starter Activity (e.g., 10 minutes)

Review learners’ previous knowledge using real life examples from their community by asking them of the meaning, importance, branches, and career opportunities in Agriculture, in mixed-ability groups. Ask learners to present their findings in class using whole-class discussion.


Introductory Activity (e.g., 15 minutes)

Lead learners in whole class discussion to discuss what they know about Agriculture.



Encourage learners to show respect and tolerance for individual diverse views as they discuss their ideas.


Activity 1 (e.g., 45 minutes)

Put learners in mixed ability groups to discuss the meaning of agriculture and agricultural science as well as the importance of Agriculture to society and make a presentation at a plenary session.



·      Set ground rules to discourage teasing of learners with speech problems and those who might give wrong answers.

·      Give learners with speech challenges enough time to express their views.

·      Introverts should be encouraged to play some roles in their groups.


Activity 2 (e.g., 40 minutes)

Organise learners into mixed gender groups to discuss the major branches of Agriculture and investigate the career opportunities that exist in Agriculture.



Encourage shy learners to talk and their efforts should be applauded.


Introductory Activity

Discuss what you know about Agriculture?








Activity 1

Discuss the meaning of agriculture and agricultural science as well as the importance of Agriculture to society and make a presentation at a plenary session.












Activity 2

Discuss the major branches and career opportunities in Agriculture and make a presentation on your findings.






Assessment DoK aligned to the Curriculum and Subject Teacher Manual
Level 1

I. Differentiate between Agriculture and Agricultural Science

II. List three (3) reasons why Agriculture is important to society

III. Identify at least two (2) careers in your community that are agricultural related


Level 2

I. Explain the meaning of the word “Agriculture”

II. Investigate and report on at least two (2) career opportunities that exist in Agriculture


Level 3

I. Analyse at least two (2) reasons why Agriculture should be studied in Ghana as a developing country

II. Write for or against the motion that “Crop Science has contributed more to Ghana’s Economy than Animal Science”


Level 4

I. How can Agriculture be used to solve the youth unemployment situation in Ghana to boost the Ghanaian economy

II. Justify your choice of a career in Agriculture for a brighter future, etc.


Lesson Closure

In completing this part, refer to the Essential Questions to check that learning has taken place.

Activity (e.g., 10 minutes)

a)       Debrief by asking learners questions on what they have learnt and whether it has links with the essential questions.

b)       Summarize key points and fill in gaps left by learners.

c)        Ask learners to read on misconceptions in Agriculture.

Reflection & Remarks



Lesson 2
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Teacher Manual
Teacher Activity Learner Activity
Starter Activity (e.g., 10 minutes)

Review learners’ previous knowledge using real life examples from their community by asking them why people dislike going into farming in mixed-gender groups. Ask learners to present their findings in class using whole-class discussion.


Introductory activity (e.g., 15 minutes)

Lead learners in whole class discussion to list what they know about the misconceptions in Agriculture.



Encourage learners to show respect and tolerance for individual diverse views as they discuss their ideas.


Activity 1 (e.g., 40 minutes)

Put learners into mixed ability groups, for them to discuss the misconceptions associated with Agriculture.



Encourage slow learners, shy learners and introverts to play roles in the group.


Activity 2 (e.g., 25 minutes)

I.     Pair up learners to design a questionnaire on misconceptions in Agriculture and let them administer the questionnaire among their peers in class.


II.     Guide them to analyse the data collected using EXCEL and assist them to interpret the results.



Slow learners should be paired with fast learners.



Activity 3 (e.g., 20 minutes)

Show videos/pictures of a rich farmer and female driving a tractor and videos that dispel gender stereotyping in Agriculture.


Introductory activity

List the misconception in Agriculture?











Activity 1

Discuss the misconceptions associated with Agriculture in mixed ability groups.








Activity 2

I.  Design and administer a questionnaire in class among your peers.






II.  Analyse the data and present a report on your findings.







Activity 3

Watch videos/pictures of a rich farmer and female driving a tractor and videos that dispel gender stereotyping in Agriculture.



Assessment DoK aligned to the Curriculum and Subject Teacher Manual
Level 1

List at least two (2) misconceptions in Agriculture


Level 2

Make a presentation on how to dispel at least two (2) misconceptions about Agriculture in the community


Level 3

Assess the effects of at least three (3) misconceptions in Agriculture


Level 4

Research on the misconceptions in Agriculture in your community, how it has affected Agricultural development and suggest possible remedies, etc.



Lesson Closure

In completing this part, refer to the Essential Questions to check that learning has taken pl    ace.

Activity (e.g., 10 minutes)

a) Debrief by asking learners questions on what they have learnt and whether it has links with the essential questions?

b) Summarize key points and fill in gaps left by learners.

c) As learners to read on Agricultural Education.

Reflection & Remarks



Week 1

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Week 2

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Week 3

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Week 5

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Week 7

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Week 8

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Week 9

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Week 10

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Week 12

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Week 17

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Week 20

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Week 20



Week 21

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Week 22

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Week 23

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Week 24

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