How to Use GESI Responsive Planning as a Teacher
How to Use GESI Responsive Planning as a Teacher
The Teacher
1) ensures that girls and boys sit randomly in the front, middle, and back row of the classroom or based on student’s levels of proficiency for support.
2) is conscious of learners with physical, visual, and auditory needs.
3) plans to use teaching strategies that ensure the active participation of all learners.
4) ensures that fixtures and visual aids on the walls are accessible to all learners – sends GESI-responsive
messages and is in reach of interaction motive and inspire students to learn.
5) Ensure that the height of shelves and position of tools are reachable by all users.
6) if classroom furniture does not have dignity/chastity panels (a shield at the front to protect the prevent body
exposure), ensure that female students are comfortably positioned/seated to fully participate in lessons. Stools in the lab/ workshop should be of a good height and size such that all learners can sit comfortably.
7) creates an enabling, encouraging classroom where males, females, and students with SENs are as interactive and assertive in expressing their views and responses that should be valued.