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GESI360.com is a blog for teacher professional development. There are many ways teachers teach around the globe, explore how it’s done in other jurisdictions and also expand your way. Not that you do not know how to teach, but you must continuously watch out for industrial trends.
How to incorportate GESI in your lessons, Designing a GESI responsive lesson plan and learning environment
Apply the concepts of a responsive and transformative course to design a GESI responsive lesson plan and learning environment using the template below.
A template for a GESI responsive lesson plan and learning environment
The lesson plan and corresponding learning environment should be responsive to gender, disability and youth-related needs. You should consider the following questions when mainstreaming Gender and Social Inclusion:
Are the examples used while teaching gender neutral, and/or do they portray someone that breaks social stereotypes in relation to their identity and the task/job at hand?
Does the course content challenge social inequities through the way it is taught? Does it create space for students to reflect on this?
Does the lesson plan contain information or cultural references that are specific to a certain age group?
Is the lesson plan accessible for persons with disabilities? Does it contain reasonable accommodation for any students that may need it? For example:
Will students with physical disabilities face any barriers to accessing the lesson?
Will students with sensory disabilities (e.g. persons who are blind, Deaf, etc.) face any barriers to accessing the lesson?
Will students with mental, cognitive, and/or psychosocial disabilities face barriers to accessing the lesson?
Finally, rate the lesson plan designed against the Prosperity Fund’s Gender and Social Inclusion Framework. As a reminder, the framework levels include:
Minimum Compliance: S4PKe addresses skills needs and vulnerabilities of women, low income youth, and persons with disabilities
Empowerment: S4PKe to build assets, capabilities and opportunities for women and marginalized groups
Transformation: Programmes that address unequal power relations and seek institutional and societal changes