Ghana Teaching Standards

Free New NTC Mandatory Course On Sexual Harassment Awareness and Prevention

Free New NTC Mandatory Course On Sexual Harassment Awareness and Prevention

Free New NTC Mandatory Course On Sexual Harassment Awareness and Prevention

NTC has sent an SMS to Teachers to Register for the Free New Mandatory Course On Sexual Harassment Awareness and Prevention. This Article Guides you on what to do and how to register, Kindly check your SMS To see if you have a message from NTC.

Every Year You are to take part in National CPD Day, which will award you some Points, these points are needed. Now for this Year in particular, you will be taking this course instead of the CPD Day which will be a course organised by the Education office or NTC.

ATTENTION; JOIN FOR NECESSARY UPDATES; Telegram 11,447 Teachers  Also WhatsApp Channel 

On the Sexual Harassment Awareness and Prevention

How to register, when to, and get points.

This is a mandatory online training being hosted by the NTC on the ilearn portal.

Currently, you can not register on the ilearn portal, but this guide will help you to know what to do.

The mandatory online training on sexual Harassment Awareness and Prevention seeks to strengthen teachers’ knowledge and awareness of what constitutes sexual harassment in schools types/ forms, and impact.

All teachers must take the course.

Currently, you can not take the course unless you have received the sms from NTC. , the course will be activated by the NTC with a letter to schools and an SMS to teachers with a Google form to register.

Check your Phone SMS Now Some Messages have been sent to teachers.

How to access the Online Training

To enroll in this course, each teacher would receive an SMS message from the NTC. The NTC  would send the message before the first PLC session. The message will contain a link to a Google form that requires the teacher to register for the course.

The Message Reads

Dear Rosella, Kindly use this link to register for the Mandatory Online Sexual Harassment Awareness and Prevention Training for Teachers. Then the Link Follows

Here is How it Looks Like Video

After registration on the Google form, participants will receive a second SMS to access the training course on the NTC Platform.

The Portal will be the

On the login page,

Your Username: is the email address you will provide when registering on the Google form

password; will be changeme

Login and change your password immediately.

After successfully logging in, click on the course title to begin the training.

You need to click on your region’s Whatsapp group to Join and also Join the Telegram Group.

ATTENTION; JOIN FOR NECESSARY UPDATES; Telegram 11,447 Teachers  Also WhatsApp Channel 


No SMS message from NTC or unable to login

You can contact your coordinator for assistance.

Also, You can save responses when you have started the course and come back later to continue.

The training will take you within 1 – 3 hrs to complete. You can discuss your response with other colleagues.

Register with this Link; Click Here 

About the Online Course

The course is divided into 3 modules.

The online course contains a downloadable version of the presentation and the GES guideline for addressing sexual harassment in secondary education institutions. The course uses case studies and scenarios for further explanations.

The training also includes a range of assessments at the end of each module.

You are to complete the assessment.

CPD Points to be awarded will be 3 CPD points.

The three modules are

Module 1: Understanding Sexual Harassment

2; Reporting procedures and response mechanism

Module 3; Support to  Victims and Disciplinary Actions

When you finish a congratulatory message will come with a link to confirm you have finished, click on the link to confirm.

But this message will only come when you are done with the assessment.

JOIN The Teachers Platform to get More Information

About The Author


The Author Rosella Dinah Amponsah, A Professional Teacher who taught in the UK for over 20 years. Quality Education and production of workable youth into the society. We can do it.

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Amoatey Benjamin
Amoatey Benjamin
1 month ago

Thanks so much. But please there no option for JHS teachers to choose. Kindly check the image attached.

Charles Agbeko
Charles Agbeko
8 days ago

I have tried logging in since Sunday when I received a sms but any time I log in with my registered email address and change me as a password but invalid login always appear. Please any help

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