How to ensure that the classroom is a safe learning space for all as a Teacher
How to ensure that the classroom is a safe learning space for all as a Teacher
As a Teacher;
1) establishes clear and consistent classroom rules about how learners relate to teacher and each other.
2) does not permit teasing, name calling and behaviour that is embarrassing, demeaning or disrespects others’
3) protect learners from external abuse and intimidation, including sexual harassment, corporal punishment and
4) enquires about student’s psychosocial and emotional well-being.
5) understands and explains sexual harassment to students and how it affects the teaching and learning process – what constitutes sexual harassment, including sexual jokes, name calling, touching and caressing, comments about an individual’s sexual life or body, demand for sexual favours, the threat of refusal of sexual
favours, retaliation etc.
6) does not make light of sexual harassment cases and do not suggest that any form of sexual harassment was just a joke or make excuses for or defend alleged sexual harassers. Ensures that the act is reported to the appropriate authorities, and it is dealt with