GESI Lesson Plans

Terminologies to Know from the New SHS/SHTS/STEM Curriculum

Terminologies to Know from the New SHS/SHTS/STEM Curriculum 

Familiarize yourself with some terminologies associated with the New Curriculum and meanings

Learning Outcome; It is a statement that defines the knowledge, skills, and abilities that a learner should possess and be able to demonstrate after completing a learning experience. They are specific, measurable, attainable, and aligned with the content standards of the curriculum. it helps the teacher to determine what to teach, how to teach, and how to assess learning. it also communicates expectations to learners and helps them to better master the subject.

Learning indicators; are measures that allow teachers to observe progress in the development of capacities and skills. They provide a simple and reliable means to evaluate the quality and efficacy of teaching practices, content delivery, and attainment of learning outcomes.

Content Standards: This is a statement that defines the knowledge, skills, and understanding that learners are expected to learn in a particular subject area or grade level. They provide a clear target for learners and teachers and help focus resources on learner achievement.

Pedagogical Examplars; They are teaching examples used to convey values and standards to learners, pedagogical exemplars are usually demonstrated through teacher behavior.


Gender, Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI); is a concept that addresses unequal power
relations experienced by people on the grounds of gender, wealth, ability, location, ethnicity, religion,
language and agency or a combination of these dimensions.

Gender is the relationship between females and males and the roles and responsibilities they have in society. For example, in Ghana, it is socially accepted that cooking is the role of women and providing upkeep
money for the family is the role of men.

Equality is creating equal opportunities for males and females. It is a fundamental
right, and it is often the GOAL. It seeks to ensure that all learners are given equal opportunities for improved
academic outcomes irrespective of their unique needs. In essence, everyone gets to achieve their highest potential.

Equity refers to a fair sharing of resources, opportunities, and benefits according to the unique needs of the individual or group. It is often the means or process of achieving equality. Equity is the means
and equality is the goal. Note that Equality is not a harmful concept, nor is equity a better concept. Equity is the
process of achieving Equality, which is the outcome.

Inclusion is the process of valuing all individuals and leveraging their diverse talent,
not despite their differences, but because of their differences. For example, ensuring that all learners
(boys, girls, and SEN) are given equal opportunities to participate in the classroom.

Gender Equality is a state where males and females have equal rights, life prospects, and opportunities to shape their own lives and contribute to society. their differences. For example, ensuring that all
learners(boys, girls, and SEN) are given equal opportunities to participate in the

Gender Equality is a state where males and females have equal rights, life prospects, and opportunities
to shape their own lives and contribute to society. Social Inclusion is the process of improving the terms of participation for disadvantaged people, through enhancing opportunities and
access to resources.


 SEL: Social and emotional learning refers to the process through which learners learn to understand and manage emotions; set and achieve positive goals; feel and show empathy for others; establish and maintain positive
relationships; and make responsible decisions (Weissberg, et al., 2015).

These social and emotional skills are essential for learners’ development. They support effective learning and are linked to positive outcomes in later life. Social and emotional learning can enhance mental
health and well-being, positive learner behavior, and academic performance.

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