Ghana Teaching Standards

Actual 2020 ADII Promotion Past Questions and Answers

Actual 2020 ADII Promotion Past Questions and Answers

GES Promotion Aptitude Test 2020 for ADII with Answers

INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions in the section by circling the letter corresponding to the correct or best answer on your question paper.

1. The aim of Ghana’s system of education is…………..
2. The Ministry of Education of Ghana, which is a multi-portfolio government ministry, was establish
3. Which of the following is/was the objective(s) of the 1987 Education Reform?
II Shorten the pre-university structure from 17 years to 12 years
IV Improve the quality of education by making it more relevant to socio-economic conditions.
5. The performance of a student can be evaluated in the best possible manner through
6. Which of the following is not a body under the Ministry of Education which implements its policies and programmes related to education?
7. Testing in education is only possible using……………………………….
8. How many units have the Technical and vocational Education Division (TVED) of the Ghana Education
9. Which of the following is/are not the objective( s) of the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE )?
I Improving the quality of learning and teaching
II Improving access to basic education facilities
III Encouraging private sector participation in the provision of education facilities
10. Which one of the following Acts established the Ghana Education Service in 1995?
11. Which of the following is/are not the way( s) through which education policies are formulated?
12. How many division are under the jurisdiction of the Director-General ( Quality and Access) of the Ghana Education Service?
13. Curriculum provides guidance for ……………………………………………..
14. Psychological foundation plays its role in the development of curriculum, keeping in view of the…………..
15. An outline of the topics of a subject to be covered in a specific time is called a………
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16. All of the following statements regarding a teacher are correct except that the teacher
A. Changes his/her attitudes and behavior according to the needs of society
17. The type of education acquired without any specific purpose, fixed period and place is called….
18. Why are co-curricular activities used in teaching?
D. To make teaching interesting and effective
19. Which of the following sentence is/are correct about the nature of teaching?
20. The procedure used to determine a learner’s abilities is referred to as
21. What are the three components of the educational process?
22. Teaching through the deductive method is done from the
23. A/an …………………..assessment is one which measures what it is intended to measure.
24. The use of technology to enhance the learning process is called …………………….….. in education.
25. The purpose of evaluation in education is to ……………………………………………..
B. Make judgment about the quality of learning
26. According to John Dewey, the teacher should guide students in acquiring knowledge as a …………. in the learning process.
27. The primary aim of educational psychology is to ……………………………..
A. Contribute to an understanding of sound educational practices
B. Provide the academic background essential for the effective teaching
C. Provide a theoretical framework for educational research
D. Provide the teacher with a greater appreciation of his role in the education of the child
28. The word “Pedagogy” means to ………………..
29. A scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of students is called
30. Teachers should present information to the students clearly and in interesting ways, and relate new
information to the things students…………………..
31. The field of study which is concerned with the construction of thought processes. Including remembering, problem solving, and decision making is called…………….
32. The process of obtaining numerical value for a characteristic is known as ……………….
33. In teaching, the discussion method can be used when……………….
34. Which of the following is/are the main aim(s) of teaching?
35. The quality of teaching is reflected by the ………………….
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36. A formal and systematic procedure of getting information is called…………….
37. Which of the following is not considered a key behavior essential for effective teaching?
38. An effective teacher is expected to………………………….……….
B. Make students feel that education is their need
C. Reduce the anxiety level of students to moderate level
39. An evaluation that monitors learning progress is referred to as evaluation.
40. The main purpose of supervising teaching is to ……………………………….………
41. Mrs. Yamoah teaches Junior High School (3). When her students enter her classroom each day, they walk
to their assigned desks and take their seats. Immediately, they take out their notebooks to write down and
answer question that is on the board that reviews the previous day’s lesson. While the students are quietly
working, Mrs. Yamoah takes attendance. Once everyone has answered the question, Mrs. Yamoah reviews
it with her class before moving on to the day’s lesson. Which of the following terms accurately describes
42. Which of the following is not one of the core domains of the National Teachers Standards?
43. Which of the following is not a tool for formative assessment is scholastic domain?
44. What was Ghana’s score the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) released by Transparency International in
45. Which one of the following political ideologies is Plato credited with?
46. The first important step in teaching is ………………………………….……….
47. A newly posted teacher who is maltreated in his/he class by the students should deal with them by………………..
B. Changing his/her class after consultation with head teacher
D. Improving his/her qualities and expressing them in a good way
48. The main purpose of classroom assessment is to …………….
49. Where is the International Courts of Justice situated?
50. The term used for monitor outcomes with reference to objectives is……………….
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all the questions in this section by circling the letter corresponding to the correct answer on your question paper.
51. The ministry of Education formulates and implements approved national policies and programmes on
52. Teaches Education Division (TED) is one of the divisions at the Ghana Education Service headquarters.
53. In any school situation, performance tasks are hands-on activities that require students to demonstrate their
54. A teacher who are respected and liked are associated with greater student satisfaction and higher achievement.
55. A teacher cannot exhibit referent power from the first day of class by giving students sense of belonging
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56. Classrooms are said to have norms when only few of the students agree on what is and/or what is not
57. Social psychologist believes that the process of group formation begin when its members agree to go
58. Licensure and exit are best predictors of classroom performance of teachers.
59. If a teacher teaches with a high degree of clarity, he/she will spend less time going over material.
60. Students’ performance is higher in classes where the teachers devotes large amount of time to the process
and materials needed rather than teaching content.
61. What a teacher does not say is every bit as important as what a teacher does say.
62. Competitive activities have little value in establishing or maintaining an effective classroom climate and
63. Students feel important and are encouraged to participate in class when a teacher uses their ideas in moving
64. Bid-rigging may result in the supply of inferior textbooks and supplies
65. In assessing learning, it is not important to know the purpose of assessment before selecting an assessment
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66. Types of corruption in elementary-secondary education range from academic cheating to bribery and
nepotism in teaching appointments, to bid-rigging in the procurement of textbooks and supplies.
67. When families are made to pay bribes for services, this puts poor students at a disadvantage and thus
68. Giving teachers the authority and responsibility to apply their own professional knowledge to make
decisions in their area of responsibility is an important aspect collegiality
69. Establishing rules and procedures is one of the least important classroom management tasks.
70. The performing stage begins when students want to show they can do some things.
71. Written assessments are activities in which the student selects or compose a response to a prompt.
72. The teacher cannot alter the classroom climate but should work for student success regardless of the climate
73. In Ghana, the National Teachers’ Standard set out the maximum levels of practice that all trained teachers’ must reach by the end of their pre-service teacher education course in order to play such critical role.
74. The skills that must be demonstrated in performance tasks cannot vary considerably
75. In a school, teachers have many different types of assessment available to them

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