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How to Apply for a Soccer Visa to Watch the 2026 World Cup and More

How to Apply for a Soccer Visa to Watch the 2026 World Cup and More

Are you planning to attend the 2026 World Cup in the United States, Mexico, or another host country? Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the visa application process and ensure you can enjoy the thrilling soccer action in person.

Visa Options for Spectators

United States

Visa Type:

  • B-2 Tourist Visa: Suitable for tourists visiting the U.S. for vacation or to attend sports events like the World Cup.

Application Process:

  1. Complete the DS-160 Form:
    • Fill out the online nonimmigrant visa application form (DS-160) on the Consular Electronic Application Center.
    • After completing the form, you will receive a DS-160 confirmation page with a barcode.
  2. Pay the Visa Fee:
    • Pay the non-refundable visa application fee. The fee amount varies by country.
  3. Schedule an Appointment:
    • Schedule an appointment for a visa interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in your home country through the U.S. Visa Information and Appointment Services.
  4. Prepare for the Interview:
    • Gather required documents, including a valid passport, DS-160 confirmation page, visa application fee receipt, and a passport-sized photo. You may also need to provide evidence of your intent to return to your home country (e.g., employment, family ties).
  5. Attend the Interview:
    • Attend the visa interview with all your documents. The consular officer will ask questions to determine your eligibility for the visa.
  6. Receive Your Visa:
    • If approved, your passport with the visa will be returned to you. Processing times can vary.


Visa Type:

  • Tourist Visa (Visa de Visitante): For tourists attending sports events, including the World Cup.

Application Process:

  1. Check if You Need a Visa:
    • Citizens of some countries do not require a visa to enter Mexico for short stays (up to 180 days). Check the Mexican Immigration website for the list of countries that do not require a visa.
  2. Complete the Application Form:
    • Fill out the visa application form available on the website of the Mexican Embassy or Consulate in your country.
  3. Schedule an Appointment:
    • Schedule an appointment for an interview at the Mexican Embassy or Consulate. This can usually be done online or by contacting the embassy directly.
  4. Prepare for the Interview:
    • Gather required documents, including a valid passport, a passport-sized photo, proof of financial means, travel itinerary, and a visa application fee receipt.
  5. Attend the Interview:
    • Attend the visa interview with all your documents. The consular officer will review your application and ask questions about your travel plans.
  6. Receive Your Visa:
    • If approved, your passport with the visa will be returned to you. Processing times vary.

General Tips for Both Countries

  • Apply Early: Start the application process well in advance of your planned travel date to allow time for processing and any potential delays.
  • Check Specific Requirements: Requirements and processes can vary by country and individual circumstances, so check the specific instructions on the embassy’s website of the country you plan to visit.
  • Travel Insurance: Consider purchasing travel insurance that covers medical expenses, trip cancellations, and other potential issues.

Visa Options for Professional Soccer Players

If you are a professional soccer player, coach, or support staff, you might need a specialized visa such as the P-1 or O-1 visa to work or compete in the United States.

  • P-1 Visa: For athletes coming to the U.S. to compete in competitions with international recognition.
  • O-1 Visa: For individuals with extraordinary ability or achievement in their field.
  • O-2 and P-1S Visas: For essential support staff.
  • O-3 and P-4 Visas: For family members of O-1 and P-1 visa holders.

Country-Specific Information for Soccer Players

United Kingdom

  • Tier 2 (Sportsperson) Visa: Requires a sponsor license from a soccer club and a governing body endorsement from the Football Association.

United States

  • O-1 Visa: For individuals with extraordinary ability.
  • P-1 Visa: For internationally recognized athletes.


  • Temporary Activity Visa (subclass 408): For sports activities, requiring a letter of support from the club.

Addressing Potential Delays

Concerns have been raised with the United States government, including an official meeting in the White House, over fears that supporters may be deterred from attending the 2026 Men’s World Cup due to excessive wait times for visa applications.

Currently, visa processing times are significantly delayed in some regions. For instance, in two Mexican cities, the wait times for U.S. visa interviews exceed 800 days, while in Bogotá, Colombia, the wait is around 685 days. This is particularly concerning given that it will be at least another 18 months before many countries secure qualification for the tournament.

Many visitors to the United States, estimated by U.S. Travel to represent 45% of total visitors, require visas for entry. These B1/B2 visas necessitate in-person appointments at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate to take digital photographs and fingerprints, followed by an interview. During this interview, applicants must state their intention to return to their home countries and explain their reasons for visiting the United States.

During the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, visitors could expedite their entry by applying for a Hayya card, effectively a fan pass that acted as a visa for the tournament. However, a similar pass is not expected to be approved by the U.S. for the 2026 World Cup.

Given these potential delays, it is advisable to start the visa application process as early as possible. By following these guidelines, you can successfully apply for a visa and be well-prepared to experience the excitement of the 2026 World Cup in the United States, Mexico, or another host country. Enjoy the matches and the vibrant atmosphere of this global event!

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